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Melissa Watenpaugh

We're Lambing!!!!

Updated: Apr 1

Lambing is going pretty well so far. Our first ewe lambed twins a couple of weeks ago. She needed help. First lamb was stuck, and the second one was breech. Jason dusted off his paramedic skills and did an awesome job of helping her deliver the lambs. Both babies are doing great! A week later, the next three ewe's all delivered twins on their own before we made it down to the barn each morning. We have two ewe's left to go, but they don't seem to be interested in releasing their hostages any time soon. So.....we wait. It's so hard to be patient!

We took on another bottle baby a couple of weeks ago from Misty Ridge Farm Suffolks. He was a triplet to a first time mom. She just couldn't figure out how to care for three so I took him home. He's doing great now and I have him down in the barn with the other two orphans from SuAve Katahdin's we are raising.

It's about time to start cleaning up from winter. The grass is starting to grow and I'm getting excited to try to get the garden going. I didn't have much luck last year, so I'm hoping for better results this year. I'm finally going to try to learn how to use the high tunnel. Getting the high tunnel ready for the season and deep cleaning the coops are projects coming up after lambing is done.

**** The best part of lambing are the lamb races every morning! They're so much fun to watch!

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