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Melissa Watenpaugh

Fall is here

Updated: Apr 1

Well, it's cooling off. Finally. My tomatoes aren't happy, but my sheep sure are!

I've been busy since my last post:

  • We celebrated Jason's birthday.

  • Met with Chad, Susan, and Avery at SuAve Katahdin's. They are so nice and super helpful! Love them! I arranged stud service for my two registered girls with their amazing, gorgeous ram, and am buying a registered ram and ewe lamb to add to the flock!

  • Helped our neighbor sort her sheep for breeding and selling.

  • Luke passed his driving permit test so we've been hitting the road to practice.

  • Bought a tractor with a bush hog! Very excited!

It's time to start getting ready for winter. That means wrapping coops, taking down the garden, prepping remaining plants to overwinter in the high tunnel, prepping the ewe's to be bred, and time for processing sheep for meat. This year we're going to build the barn cats a better house and we are hoping to have a better plan for water delivery to the barn and coops. Still have to figure that one out.... hmmmmm....

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